Securing the Spotlight: 5 Must-Have Clauses for Event Agreements!
Indonesia’s concert scene is not just growing, it is thriving, becoming a prominent hotspot for concerts and events. This growth has attracted numerous foreign artists
Indonesia’s concert scene is not just growing, it is thriving, becoming a prominent hotspot for concerts and events. This growth has attracted numerous foreign artists
Author : Kenzo Galatica Mulyadi Editor : Al-Qadri Rahman, S.H Krisis moneter di Indonesia pada tahun 1997-1998 ternyata tidak hanya memberikan dampak signifikan bagi perekonomian
Author: Desi Rahmuni Editor: Joseph Simatupang, S.H. Menteri Ketenagakerjaaan RI baru saja menerbitkan sebuah regulasi baru yakni Peraturan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan RI Nomor 5 Tahun 2023
Berdasarkan Surat Tanda Penerimaan Laporan/Pengaduan No. Pol : 217/K/XI/2022/SEK.CP yang diterima oleh Aiptu Karnoto selaku Kapolsek Cempaka Putih tertanggal 7 November 2022 menerangkan adanya laporan
The largest technology firms in the world – Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook – have all been highly active in transactions over the past two decades and owe at least some part of their success to M&A.
Think Google’s acquisition of Youtube, Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn, and Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, as three prime examples.
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